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Sulphur Street Property Trust

The Sulphur Street Property Trust was established to acquire an industrial site in Narangba. The Property is located in the Narangba Industrial Estate, which is 30 radial kilometres north east of Brisbane’s CBD. The Property is proximate to the Bruce Highway which provides direct access to all of Brisbane’s major arterial roads and motorways.

In June 2021, following sale of the property, the Trust was wound up with a final unit value of $1,750.63, an IRR to investors of 23.02%.

Units were issued for $1,000 and upon liquidation, had returned $2,073.19 per unit to investors.

SSPT Graph FY2021.png

Distribution yields are expressed as a percentage of the subscription price paid for each unit less any capital returns.

1. The Actual Income Distribution Yield is the Actual Income Distributions divided by the Average Capital Invested during the year. The Sulphur Street Property Trust completed the acquisition of the property on 30 June 2017.

2. The Forecast Income Distribution Yield are as forecast in the Information Memorandum dated 24 April 2017.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

350 George St, Sydney, NSW, 2000                                                                                          AFSL Licence No.: 437838

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